Reinforced Concrete Corbel
The B9+ program can be used to design corbels loaded directly from above, i.e. corbels with direct load introduction. All necessary verifications are performed on the basis of a strut-and-tie model. A detailed output of the reinforcement can be generated.
Discover now more programs from the section Reinforced Concrete!
- Reinforced concrete of the strength classes C20/25 to C100/115
- Steel grades B500A, B500B, BSt 420 S(A)
Structural system
- Single-sided corbel
- Concrete cover variable on each side
- Consideration of bond conditions (e.g. for cast-in-place columns)
- Exact definition of the column reinforcement
- Transverse compression can be disabled
- Vertical load (concentrated load)
- Horizontal load
- Loads can be entered with any spacing
- Self-weight can be considered optionally
The calculation is based on a framework model. The regulations of the different National Annexes are taken into account. The framework in this connection is a simplified strut-and-tie model.
The following verifications are performed:
- Safety against compressive web fracture
- Compressive strain under load
- Required As of the tensile and web reinforcement
- Anchorage and lap lengths of the reinforcement
- Internal forces in the corbel section
- Reinforcement dimensions in tabular form
Document file formats
- Word
- Printer
- 3-d graphic
- Reinforcement drawing (optional)
Import options
- Frilo XML
Export options
- Word
Reinforced concrete
- DIN EN 1992
- ÖNORM EN 1992
- BS EN 1992
- PN EN 1992
- EN 1992
- NTC 1992

FRILO launches version 2024-2 with powerful updates for structural analysis and design
Highlights include the optimised design of Schöck Isokörbe®, the advanced integration of DC foundation engineering programs into the FRILO environment and new RSX interfaces for detail verifications in steel construction.

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Find out how the structural engineers at bauart Konstruktions GmbH determined the loads for an eight-floor perimeter block development in Frankfurt’s Europaviertel district using the GEO from FRILO.