Beam on Elastic Foundation
The BEB+ program can be used to calculate elastically supported beams and one-way slabs based on the subgrade reaction modulus method in combination with the displacement method. The user can optionally select whether foundations and stiffness should be constant, linear or erratic. The foundation can be set to zero, either completely or in individual sections. In addition, tension spring failure can optionally be considered in the calculation. If the foundation is set to zero over the total beam, at least two supports are required. The user can add further rigid or elastic supports.
Discover now more programs from the section Foundation Engineering!
- Reinforced standard and lightweight concrete with selectable concrete qualities and steel grades
- Optionally with a cast-in-place complement of different quality
Structural system
- Definition of sections for cross-section offsets and foundation offsets or linear variable cross-sections or foundations
- Free definition of supports (necessary, when there is no foundation, or in addition to the foundation)
- Free arrangement of moment joints
- Freely definable cross-sections as rectangles or T-beams that can optionally be assigned to individual sections
- Permissible base pressure resistance based on empirical values of DIN 1054 or user-defined
- Stagnant groundwater can optionally be taken into account at any height level
- Freely definable beam loads in the form of
- concentrated loads
- line loads
- trapezoidal loads
- concentrated moments
- moving concentrated loads
- Free assignment of loads to a load case with types of actions according to EC 0 as well as to concurrency and alternative groups.
- Automatic combination of load cases and/or user-defined load-case combinations
Reinforced concrete design
- Calculation of all internal forces separately for the decisive design situations
- Vertical deformation of the beam
- Resulting compressive base stress
- Reinforced concrete design of the beam (bending and shear force)
- Optional shear design for a slab
- Reinforcement definition with tensile force and shear force coverage diagrams
- Durability verification via exposure classes
- Consideration of different minimum reinforcement quantities
- Verifications in the serviceability limit state:
- Crack widths
- Concrete stresses
- Reinforcing steel stresses
Geotechnical verifications
- Simplified verification with base pressure resistances (either user-defined or based on tables of DIN 1054)
Add-on modules
Reinforcement Layout BEB-BEW can be purchased as an additional option.
Document file formats
- Word
- Printer
- Various output profiles are available for selection (brief, detailed, user-defined)
- Selectable graphic scales and font sizes
- Detailed output of individual load cases
- Overview of the decisive load case combinations
Reinforced concrete design
- Decisive deformation and base pressure distribution
- Detailed internal forces behaviour for all design situations
- Bending design in the x- and y-direction at the top and bottom with detailed graphical and tabular output
- Graphical representation of the reinforcement distribution with coverage diagrams
- Crack width and stress verifications with detailed graphical and tabular output
Transfer options
- Framework RSX
- Isolated Foundation FD+
- Strip Foundation FDS+
Load import
- Building Model GEO
- Isolated Foundation FD+
- Pad Foundation FDB+
- Mast Foundation FDM+
- Reinforced Raft Foundation FDR+
- Strip Foundation FDS+
Reinforced concrete
- EN 1992
- DIN EN 1992
- ÖNORM EN 1992
- PN EN 1992
- BS EN 1992
- NTC EN 1992
- DIN 1045
- ÖNORM B 4700
Support resources

FRILO launches version 2024-2 with powerful updates for structural analysis and design
Highlights include the optimised design of Schöck Isokörbe®, the advanced integration of DC foundation engineering programs into the FRILO environment and new RSX interfaces for detail verifications in steel construction.

Load determination for eight-floor perimeter block development with FRILO Building Model
Find out how the structural engineers at bauart Konstruktions GmbH determined the loads for an eight-floor perimeter block development in Frankfurt’s Europaviertel district using the GEO from FRILO.