Gravity Wall
The program SGW+ can be used to perform the stability and serviceability verifications including the design of a gravity wall made of reinforced concrete. The wall can have a toe (valley side) and a haunch on the hill or valley side. The base can be inclined. The ground surface behind the wall can be horizontal or sloped upwards either continuously or with a polygonal profile. A downwards slope (negative slope) cannot be defined due to the restrictions of the applied calculation method. The soil can consist of any number of horizontally limited soil layers. An additional soil layer can be defined on the valley side. Stagnant groundwater can be considered as well as different earth pressure situations (e.g. earth pressure due to compaction, increased active earth pressure).
Discover now more programs from the section Foundation Engineering!
- Reinforced concrete with selectable wall friction angles
Structural system
- Toe (valley side), also with inclination, if applicable
- Any inclination of the wall front or rear face
- Optional inclination of the base slab
- Any number of horizontal layers
- Freely selectable soil parameters
- Separate soil layer in front of the toe
Ground surface:
- Horizontal or continuously ascending
- Any number of polygonal ground-surface sections
Stagnant groundwater can optionally be defined in the form of groundwater tables at the hill and valley side of the wall.
- Any kind of ground-surface loads in the form of area loads, strip loads, block loads and line loads.
- Area loads, line loads and moment loads acting on the wall crown and the toe.
- Horizontal forces acting at a freely selectable height on the wall and the front face of the toe.
- Free assignment of loads to types of actions according to EC 0 as well as to concurrency and alternative groups.
Earth pressure
- Application to the rear edge of the wall with freely selectable inclination angle
- Earth pressure at rest, active or any increased active earth pressure
- Optionally with minimum or compaction earth pressure
- Optional earth resistance at the front face of the toe
Reinforced concrete design of the wall
- Any number of design sections along the wall
- The wall can be designed either reinforced or unreinforced, a toe is always reinforced
- Durability verification via exposure classes
- Consideration of different minimum reinforcement quantities
- Optionally, different design options for the wall and the foundation/toe
Geotechnical verifications
- Simplified verification with base pressure resistances (either user-defined or taken from tables of DIN 1045)
- Verifications based on the accurate calculation method optionally available
- Overturning (with earth resistance share in %, if applicable)
- Sliding (with earth resistance share in %, if applicable)
- Ground failure (with earth resistance share in %, if applicable)
- Optional embankment failure analysis with slip circles
- Optional settlement verification
- Serviceability via the verification of the gaping joint
Document file formats
- Word
- Printer
Reinforced concrete design
- Decisive base pressure distribution for the design of the toe or heel and the foundation
- Internal forces behaviour inside the wall
- Verification of the resistance to bending and shear force in the ULS with output of the required reinforcement for the wall (at any number of points) and for the toe/heel (contact face)
Geotechnical verifications
- Overview of decisive load case combinations and the results of each verification in the persistent design situation
- Tabular and graphical output of the selected earth pressure and water pressure distributions
- Geotechnical verifications in the ULS (overturning, sliding, ground failure, embankment failure, simplified with base pressure)
- Geotechnical verifications in the SLS (first and second core range, settlements, and torsion)
Geotechnical standards
- DIN EN 1997
- Ă–NORM EN 1997
- PN EN 1997
Reinforced concrete standards
- DIN EN 1992
- Ă–NORM EN 1992
- PN EN 1992
Support resources
ALLPLAN is releasing powerful updates for structural analysis and design with FRILO 2025
Highlights include a direct interface to ALLPLAN for more efficient reinforcement of concrete columns, the new PLUS program SLS+ for the design of splice connections, and the option of designing transverse joints to timber beams with the HO12+.
Merger of FRILO Software and DC Software with ALLPLAN successfully completed
The merger of FRILO Software GmbH and DC-Software Doster & Christmann GmbH with the ALLPLAN Group has been legally completed since July 1, 2024.