Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Girder


The B8 program is used to calculate reinforced concrete beams and pre-tensioned girders (long-line method). The software performs all required verifications of the load-bearing capacity (also for the accidental and earthquake design situations) as well as serviceability verifications. The untensioned and pre-tensioned reinforcement including its prestressing in the prestressing bed is specified. The user is supported by a pre-design during the initial input and a guide if verifications are not fulfilled.

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  • Concrete grades specified in the standard from C30/37 to C100/115 for the girder and C16/20 to C100/115 for the cast-in-place concrete supplement
  • Optional definition of a gradual application of the pre-tensioning force
  • Optional definition of reduced material safety coefficients for pre-cast components
  • Optional consideration of a thermal treatment
  • Increased compressive strength of the young concrete at the time of tensioning force application is possible
Structural systems

Girder types

  • Girder with parallel flanges
  • Symmetrical and asymmetrical girders with saddle or groove
  • Single-pitch roof girder

Structural systems:

  • The user can calculate the girder in the final state and during its storage, as a single-span girder or as a cantilevered single-span girder
  • For the erecting state, the user can examine a separate structural system aligned to the location of the suspension points
  • The structural systems that result from auxiliary supports installed during the casting of the cast-in-place concrete complements are automatically taken into account in the calculation of the cross-sections

Shapes of cross-sections

  • Rectangular cross-sections
  • T-beams
  • Two-webbed T-beams
  • Layered cross-section
  • The calculation of a single cross-section is also possible

Optional cross-section complement

  • Solid slab
  • Solid slab with pre-fabricated formwork
  • Complement with additional layers

Optional cut-outs:

  • circular
  • rectangular
  • Uniformly distributed linear loads
  • Concentrated loads and moments
  • Trapezoidal loads and triangular loads
  • Loads can apply simultaneously or alternatively
Ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state
  • Bending with longitudinal force (including resisting tensile force coverage)
  • Shear resistance, for cast-in-place complements including the bearing capacity of the joints
  • Lateral buckling in the installed state and in the erecting state (method by Stiglat and Mann)
  • Determination of the tensile splitting reinforcement
  • Anchoring of the prestressing reinforcement
  • Dimensioning of cut-outs according to DAfStb booklets 399 and 599
Serviceability Limit State
  • Concrete stresses, steel stresses (prestressed steel, reinforcing steel)
  • Crack width (loading, minimum reinforcement), verification of the decompression, if required
  • Deflection for a selectable load combination of the SLS with consideration of state II including tension stiffening and shrinkage
  • Changes in length due to temperature, creep and shrinkage
  • Multi-layer pre-tensioned reinforcement with insulation, if applicable
  • Multi-layer untensioned reinforcement
  • It is assumed that the reinforcement runs in a straight line in parallel to the upper or lower flange.
Document file formats
  • PDF
  • Word
  • Printer
  • Output of various verifications in tabular or graphical form and with intermediate results is possible
  • Verifications in the ultimate limit state
  • Verifications in the serviceability limit state
Import options
  • ASCII file
Export options
  • Word
  • PDF
Reinforced concrete
  • EN 1992
  • DIN EN 1992
  • ÖNORM B 1992
  • PN EN 1992
  • BS EN 1992

Still selectable:

  • DIN 4227 T.1
  • DIN 1045-1

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