Continuous Beam

DLT+ can be used to calculate single-span and continuous beams for reinforced concrete, steel and timber with an unlimited number of spans, with or without cantilevers. Cross-sections can be constant or variable. Joints are also possible. In addition to the optically adapted interface, easier operation, a clear and detailed customizable output, the program offers a completely revised interactive reinforcement guide.

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  • Reinforced Concrete
  • Steel
  • Timber
Beam types
  • Reinforced concrete slab (with reinforcement layout as additional option BTM-BEW)
  • Reinforced concrete beam (also biaxial as additional option BTM-2 and with reinforcement layout as additional option BTM-BEW)
  • Steel beam (also biaxial as additional option STM-2)
  • Timber beams (also biaxial as additional option HTM-2)

Depending on the selected material, the cross-section definition is adjusted. Depending on the material, haunches and cross-section discontinuities, block-outs or multi-part/rotated/reinforced cross-sections can be defined, for example. The selection from the FRILO steel database is also available for steel cross-sections.


Standard loading and multi-span loading can be defined as uniformly distributed load, concentrated load, concentrated moment, trapezoidal load and triangular load.


Detailed information

DLT+ combines all beam types/materials of the individual programs BTM+, HTM+ and STM+ in one program.

Therefore, you will find detailed information under

Continuous Beam Concrete BTM+
Continuous Beam Timber HTM+
Continuous Beam Steel STM+


For concrete, steel and timber, the program carries out the design or the stress analysis for the preselected cross-section dimensions.

Reinforced Concrete
  • Automatic calculation of the effective slab width
  • Calculation of the deformations in state II for reinforced concrete cross-sections with standards based on the partial safety concept
  • Crack width verification (limit diameter) and stress analysis
  • Consideration of the durability requirements
  • Calculation and consideration of the creep coefficient and the shrinkage strain in the serviceability analyses
  • Verification of the shear joint for slabs and T-beams
  • You can perform an analysis of the connection of the compression flange (shear joint analysis) for T-beams
  • Optionally, shear deformations can be considered with timber beams
  • Vibration analysis
  • Hot design
  • Stability analysis
Steel and timber
  • Optimization of the dimensioning and design with steel and timber beams
  • Stability analysis for steel girders
Add-on modules
  • BTM-BEW: Reinforcement layout for reinforced concrete beams an slabs
  • BTM-2: Biaxial effect of actions on reinforced concrete beams
  • HTM-2: Biaxial effect of actions on wooden beams
  • STM-2: Biaxial effect of actions on steel beams
Document file formats
  • PDF
  • Word
  • Printer
  • Brief
  • Minimum
  • User-defined
Load transfer
  • Reinforced Concrete Column B5+
  • Timber Column HO1+
  • Single-span Steel Column STS+
  • Reinforced Concrete Corbel B9+
  • Reinforced Concrete Half Joint B10+
  • Framework RSX
  • Continuous Beam Concrete BTM+
  • Continuous Beam Steel STM+
  • Continuous Beam Timber HTM+
  • Reinforced Timber Beam HTV+
  • Timber Compression TB-HHS
  • Lateral Torsional Buckling Analysis BTII+
Data transfer

The analysis of steel beams for lateral torsional buckling and elastic-plastic analyses can be performed per data transfer to the program Lateral Torsional Buckling Analysis BTII+.

Reinforced concrete
  • EN 1992   (NA-D/A/GB/IT/PN)
  • EN 1993 (NA-D/A/GB/PN)
  • EN 1995 (NA-D/A/GB/IT/PN)

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